Other day senior director Ram Gopal Varma has shocked everyone after releasing the trailer of his debut web series Guns and Thighs and later announced that he’s quitting Twitter. But Varma isn’t isolating himself from social media as he joined Instagram in no time with the same name.
A look at his Instagram account is, however, shocking his die-hard fans. Ever since his arrival at this next popular social media circuit, Ramu is busy sharing pictures of seductive models with provoking captions. Also, he’s sharing the screenshots of the nude and cliched scenes from the trailer of his web series with some hard hitting captions to it.
Seriously, do RGV needs to create such sensationalism with nude pictures and awkward comments? Actually, he need not flaunt his intense liking for the body of women through these pictures as he has said enough already. Also, these over-dose acts from him are simply spoiling his loyal fanbase as well.
Looking at the likes of K Viswanath, probably Varma should also retire on a good note rather making sound with these unwanted doings. Otherwise, like some big directors who made fun of themselves with their stupid acts during the last phase, he too will face the wrath of audiences.
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