Energetic hero Ram upcoming much awaited film “Pandaga Chesko” is almost ready to hit the big screens soon. Yesterday the grand audio launch of this film was celebrated in Hyderabad where the top directors like Srinu Vaitla, Veeru Potla, Surender Reddy, Writer Kona Venkat, producer Dil Raju and many graced the event.
The theatrical trailer of “Pandaga Chesko” which was released on yesterday is creating hulchul in industry. The mixed response of trailer has created obscene situation for filmmakers.
The trailer acquired a positive response but last couple of seconds where Brami crossing the running Train which was made in 3D is not properly scaled and most important one is the dialogue delivered by Ram is creating negative buzzes in industry.
The dialogue “Dhairyam anedhi blood lo untadhi, body lo untadhi, family untadhi, gundello nunchi vachche dammulo untadhi..ilaanti yedhava sollu cheppadam naaku chiraaku ra” in the trailer sparked speculations in tensile town that he has targeted some top heroes and his heirs trend in industry.
Whether we don’t known really Ram targeted some top heroes in industry or heir trend in industry or is it a publicity stunt? But some of the fans are very anger on Ram that he indirectly supposed to target their heroes. But why should Ram target top heroes?
Is this dialogue included deliberately by the team for publicity? Or the scene really demanded it? The answers to all these questions can be clarified after watching the film. Rakul Preet Singh and Sonal Chauhan are making onscreen romance with Ram in this film. It is being directed by Gopichand Malineni and Music composed by Thaman.
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