Legendary actor NTR as former CM of Andhra Pradesh showed the power of Telugu person to entire country. Now it seems Telangana CM KCR after the bifurcation of the state decided to take revenge on NTR.
It is known that after NTR’s demise, a memorial was built at Necklace road and NTR gardens became extremely popular.It is comingout that now NTR gardens willbe replaced by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar park.
Deputy CM Kadiyam Srihari who headed cabinet committee has taken a startling decision to develop 36 acre Ambedkar park as tourist attraction.NTR ghat will remain and T government is planning to install a 125 ft Ambedkar statue.
CM KCR will unveil the statue on 14 April,2017.Sources say KCR is keen to free Telangana from the andhra cultural presence. T Government is planning to rename all Andhra leaders memorials and it has to be seen the response from the public.
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