Why Narendra Modi has no courtesy at all?

It has been six years since Narendra Modi started to run the country and yet there isn’t any significant change visible in the Indian economy. Of course, the economic analysts termed his performance as a DISASTER when it comes to the economical position of the country. Some flatterings likes Make In India, Swacch Bharat haven’t lived up to their hype and yet Modi is not willing to learn from his mistakes.

The BJP government who introduced GST hasn’t kept its promise as this Tax is proved to be a burden for poor and middle-class families. Modi got substantial income from the states with this GST but he hardly gave enough funds or budget to the states in return which is a much debatable thing in this COVID 19 crisis period as many state governments have been complaining the same.

The latest series of hikes on Petrol and Diesel prices even though crude oil has become cheaper than before is nothing but the incapability of the Modi’s government. In this LOCKDOWN period, there are no proper employment opportunities, and the income of an average citizen in the country declined to its lowest.

Now, the increase in Petrol and Diesel Prices will make things much more complicated as its effect has already started to show on the prices of various other products. Will Modi show any courtesy on the Indian citizens at least from now?

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