Telangana PCC chief Uttam Kumar Reddy is a lonely man these days. He has no friends in the state Congress today. The seniors are non-cooperative and the youngers ones are challenging him. The party lost its bid for power in 2018 assembly elections and was pushed to the third position in the state in the Lok Sabha elections. Several key leaders have jumped the fence and joined the TRS. Even his wife Padmavathi lost the Huzurabad byelections badly.
Uttam has in fact sent in his resignation to the high command and asked it to find a replacement for him. However, the confusion within the high command over the national leadership and the tantrums of Rahul Gandhi have led to a stalemate and Uttam Kumar Reddy had to continue as a stop-gap PCC chief much against his wishes. For the last six months, Covid has brought all the activities to a standstill.
So, Uttam is continuing in the post. It is reliably learnt that he had once again sounded out to the high command that he is no longer interested in continuing as the TPCC chief. Sources say the high command is seriously on the lookout for a replacement to Reddy.
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