Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Lion despite the negative talk and reviews, is doing exceedingly well at the box office. The movie’s box office performance even surprised many box office experts. However all those who watched the film say Satyadeva is the real culprit who let the film down.
He was not able to handle the movie’s screenplay and finally that affected the film. However Satyadeva says he has one more script ready for Balayya and given a chance he will narrate it to the actor. Satyadeva says the script is titled ‘Sarwabhouma’ and is a very powerful script suited to the box office bonanza.
Balayya is unlikely to give a chance to Satyadeva at least in near future. His next film in the direction of Srivas will go on floors next month. The film later is Balayya’s 100th film which is likely to be directed by Boyapati Srinu.
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