Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to Member of Parliaments to adopt villages under Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, already the likes of Sachin Tendulkar, Venkaiah Naidu, Nirmala Sitharaman have did their bit and adopted villages. In fact, UPA chairperson and Congress president Sonia Gandhi too adopted a village notwithstanding her political rivalry with Modi. Yet one man who is missing in action is none other than AP’s own Mega Star, actor-turned-politician, Rajya Sabha MP Chiranjeevi.
Chiru is still dragging his feet on the issue and hasn’t responded yet. Although Mega Star is noted for his philanthropic works, his works are now taken back seat. All Chiru has to do is to adopt a village and spend funds from the MP Local Area Development Scheme (MPLAD) and other Central schemes allotted by Union Government. Yet Chiranjeevi is tight lipped on it.
Meanwhile, there is growing dissent in Chiru’s native village Mogalthuru in West Godavri district as the Mogalthuru hasn’t developed much and that too Chiru’s contribution is said to be less, feel many. It needs to be seen whether Chiru adopts a village of his own choice and help it for its progress. Meanwhile, new state of Andhra Pradesh said to have topped in the list of number of villages MPs have adopted. Chiru, it’s time for you to join the bandwagon.
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