Before 2009 elections, then Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhar Reddy was going through a tough phase. Though the people voted for him with a thumping majority in 2004, there was silent anti-establishment atmosphere growing as undercurrent by the time the Congress party was getting ready for 2009 elections.While there was growing resentment against YSR in Telangana for strongly resisting the formation of Telangana State, the large scale allegations of corruption in Jalayagnam did quite a bit damage to YSR’s image, though he was still the best bet under the given circumstances.
This would have been capitalised by TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu to regain power.But it was exactly at this stage that mega star Chiranjeevi launched his political party Praja Rajyam, under the impression that there was a political space for him to come to power.However, it indirectly helped the Congress party and YSR, as Chiranjeevi had split a considerable number of anti-establishment votes; as a result of which YSR came to power with a narrow margin of just six seats (he got 156 seats as against the magic figure of 148).
The Lok Satta, too, damaged the prospects of Chandrababu Naidu.Now, the latest survey by Centre for Media Studies shows there is a growing resentment among the people against the TDP government, though Naidu is still the best bet.On the other hand, YSR Congress party president Y S Jaganmohan Reddy is still not in a position to cash in on the non-performance of the Naidu government. Under these circumstances, is there any space for Pawan Kalyan’s Jana Sena Party?
Well, if Pawan thinks so, he will only be helping Naidu. There is every possibility that he will end up as a failure if he contests independently. At the most, he can split the anti-establishment votes and that would ultimately help Naidu come to power again. And Jagan will have to remain in Opposition for another five years!
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