Even fans disappointed with outcome of Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh. While the Bobby directorial film collected a share of Rs 26 crores approximately worldwide on first day, its business is likely to end somewhere around Rs 50 crores. So, producers and distributors are expected to incur huge losses. Will Pawan Kalyan who is also one of the producers for the film pay back the losses?Superstar Rajinikanth started the trend of paying losses to distributors. When his film Baba flopped, Rajinikanth reimbursed the distributors.
Then few other actors and filmmakers in Tamil and Telugu have followed Rajini by reimbursing distributors. Mahesh Babu also compensated buyers who incurred losses with Aagadu. Recently, director VV Vinayak too paid back his part of remuneration to producers. However, Puri Jagannadh is against the trend.On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan doesn’t have any intentions to continue in film industry. He already announced to bid adieu to films after doing two to three movies to become a full time politician.
In fact, Pawan’s only motive of doing these films is to earn some money, since running a party requires huge money.What will Pawan Kalyan do now? Will he reimburse the distributors which will be an unwanted burden for him at this point of time when he is planning to enter direct politics?
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