Delhi beauty Rakul Preet who came from a military background debuted in Tollywood with Venkatadri Express movie. The movie became a super hit but the actress went to Bollywood and did Yaariyan then. However, that Hindi debut became a flop and the actress flew back to Telugu industry.
Despite facing some failures in the starting of her career, the actress stood strongly and became a star heroine after her hattrick in 2016. Later she acted with big stars of Telugu industry including Ram Charan, Jr NTR and Mahesh Babu. But the unexpected failure of ‘Spyder’ dented her image and she also started demanding some meaningful roles than glamorous ones.
In the meantime, Rakul got another Bollywood calling and her Aiyaary is all set to get released on Feb 9th. Just before the release of her upcoming movie, she posed rather sexily for Maxim magazine and the pictures went viral on the internet. The actress has been staying in Mumbai for a while and haven’t any signed any Telugu films lately which created some speculations. It looks like intentionally she kept her diary free and timed this bikini shoot release with her movie release.
It seems like Rakul planned that Aiyaary will become a hit and her hottest photoshoot will make her bag some Bollywood offers instantly such that she could settle down in Mumbai. Will this master plan of Rakul work out well? Because it failed in many cases including that of Kajal Agarwal and Ileana.
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