South Indian lady superstar Nayanthara, who mesmerized Telugu audiences with her endearing performance in the role of ‘Sita’ in Balakrishna’s ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’, a film based on great Indian epic “Ramayana”, is reportedly in talks to play the character of ‘Draupadi’.
A magnum opus titled ‘Kurukshethra’ is being made in Kannada film industry with stalwarts of Sandalwood playing key roles. Reigning hero Dharshan is acting as Duryodhana, hero Ravichandran is playing Karna and senior actor Ambareesh is essaying the character of Bhishma.
Nayanthara has been approached to play the role of Draupadi. Given how crucial the role of Draupadi is to the story of ‘Mahabharata’, makers of ‘Kurukshethra’ have reportedly offered Nayan a whopping remuneration. Despite huge pay and a meaty character on hands, Nayan has yet to give her nod since she is busy with multiple films in pipeline.
Nayan has earlier acted in a Kannada film, ‘Super’ starring Upendra. If she signs ‘Kurukshethra’, she will get the rare distinction of having played both ‘Sita’ and ‘Draupadi’, the pivotal female characters of ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’ respectively.
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