Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s ‘magadheera’ collected a share of Rs.87 crores including all versions. The Telugu version alone collected a share of nearly Rs.80 crores. In AP alone the movie collected a share of Rs.65+ crores. As of now, none of the above records of ‘magadheera’ has been touched by any movie.
However, the government of AP released the G.O. permitting to hike ticket prices in theaters. A total of 20% hike including all theaters of AP is expected. Obviously, 20% chances of beating ‘magadheera’ collections in AP has been increased than the present situation.
If ‘magadheera’ collected Rs.65 crores in AP alone, ‘Gabbar Singh’ stands next with Rs.52+ crores, ‘Naayak’ with Rs.42+ crores, ‘Dookudu’ with Rs.40+ crores and ‘Rachcha’ with Rs.39+ crores stood at subsequent places in AP alone. We have to wait and watch how well the upcoming films of tollywood try to cross ‘magadheera’ records.
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