Aadi Pudipeddi, who plays the lead in forthcoming Telugu actioner “Rough”, which releases in cinemas Friday after much delay, says the film would be a fitting tribute to the late actor Srihari, who has played an important role in it. “It’s very unfortunate that we’ve lost Srihari, who has played a pivotal role in the film. I would like to dedicate ‘Rough’ to him.
It should be a fitting tribute to him,” Aadi told IANS. Popular for films such as “Magadheera”, “Dhee” and “King”, Srihari passed away in October last year. Directed by C.H. Subba Reddy, “Rough” stars Rakul Preet Singh as well. “Srihari plays Rakul’s brother in the film.
It’s a funny yet powerful role and I’m certain audiences are going to love it,” he said. The film also features M.S. Narayana, Raghu Babu, Jayaprakash Reddy and Suhasini in important roles.
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