This comes across as a biggest surprise to all the fans of Nandamuri Balakrishna. In a recent survey conducted by the officials to rank the MLAs in all the districts of AP, Balayya stood in the first place surpassing eleven other MLAs in the Ananthapur district. The survey was carried out at the instructions of CM Chandrababu.
The survey took place in all the districts of AP, and statewide and district wise ranks were allotted to the MLAs based on their work and developmental activities in their constituencies. According to the report which was submitted to Chandrababu this afternoon, Balayya stood out as the most charismatic MLA in Ananthapur.
Balayya’s reign as Hindupur MLA has resulted in immense development in the area and Balayya has been striving hard to convince the centre to allot more funds for the drinking water scheme, construction of new roads and improving of facilities at the Hindupur Government Hospital.
With this, Balayya has cast his spell even in politics, after being one of the most popular film stars in Tollywood since more than three decades. Balayya’s fans have already started celebrating their favorite star’s proud achievement.
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