Setting the record straight actress Priyamani has admitted that she is in love. However, she clarifies that she is not in love with Kannada actor Govinda Padma Surya as speculated. “Yes, I’m in Love. But it’s not with Govinda Padma Surya as reported. Will let you know when time comes,” said Priyamani.
Of late, there are several rumours on Priyamani’s personal life. Rumour mill is abuzz that the national-award winning actress secretly married to actor Govinda Surya. “So far, there were many rumours about me falling in love and tying the knot secretly. But this time, a co-star’s name also dragged into rumours. I decided to put a full stop to them,” added Priyamani.
In recent times, the actress is going through rough phase of her career and the talented beauty sans offers in Telugu. “I’m presently acting in a Kannada film Ambarisha. The role is similar to Ramya Krishna’s role Neelambari in Arunachalam.”
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