Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and YSR Congress President YS Jagan, who had to cancel his planned trip to London last year due to passport extension issues, has now finally made the journey with his wife Bharathi. They are in London to attend the graduation ceremony of their second daughter, Varsha Reddy, who is graduating in Finance Management from the prestigious King’s College.
The graduation ceremony is scheduled for January 16, and Jagan and Bharathi will be present to celebrate this milestone with their daughter. This trip serves as a much-needed break for Jagan, marking his first foreign visit since the disappointing results of the 2024 elections. He is expected to return to Andhra Pradesh towards the end of the month.
Jagan had also planned a state-wide mass outreach program to meet party cadres across the state. However, with his trip to London, it remains to be seen if this program will be delayed in the short term.
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