YS Jagan, the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, is currently on a personal trip to London, where he is attending the graduation ceremony of his daughter, Varsha Reddy. The YCP leader shared his first picture from the trip, posing with his wife Bharathi and their two daughters.
In a heartfelt message, Jagan expressed his pride and joy over his daughter’s academic achievement. He tweeted, “Congratulations dear! Not only have you graduated from a prestigious institution like King’s College London, but you have also made us proud by passing with distinction! God bless you!” The tweet highlighted Varsha’s success in graduating with distinction from the renowned college.
This must be an especially proud moment for Jagan, as he witnesses his daughter achieve such remarkable academic success.
Jagan plans to spend a few weeks abroad with his family and is expected to return to India towards the end of the month.
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