Actress Pragya Jaiswal, celebrated for her remarkable performances in Kanche and the blockbuster hit Akhanda, is once again in the spotlight. She reunites with Nandamuri Balakrishna for their upcoming film Daaku Maharaj, slated for release on January 12, just in time for the festive Sankranthi season. During a promotional event in Hyderabad, Pragya shared her experiences of stepping into a challenging and transformative role, showcasing a different side of her talent.
In Daaku Maharaj, Pragya plays Kaveri, a character that is a significant departure from her previous glamorous roles. Known for portraying regal and polished characters, such as a princess and a collector, this de-glam transformation marks a bold shift in her career. “For this role, I had to face the camera without any makeup or lipstick. The director and cinematographer even asked me to apply clay on my face to enhance the authenticity of my look,” Pragya revealed.
She described the initial adjustment as daunting. “When I first arrived on set, I felt completely out of place. But once I put on Kaveri’s costume and embraced her appearance, everything changed. My expressions evolved naturally—that’s the magic of this character’s transformation,” she shared.
Pragya’s dedication to immersing herself in this raw and unfiltered role reflects her versatility and willingness to push boundaries. Fans are eagerly anticipating her performance in Daaku Maharaj, which promises to showcase a powerful and nuanced side of the actress. As Sankranthi approaches, Pragya’s portrayal of Kaveri is set to captivate audiences and add another milestone to her flourishing career.
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