Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy has been facing a series of setbacks recently, including a tough defeat in the recent election and the departure of his key ally, Vijaya Sai Reddy. To make matters worse, the legal proceedings surrounding the CBI and ED cases against him have been under intense scrutiny, with prolonged delays that have added to his troubles.
However, in a significant relief for Jagan, the Supreme Court delivered a key ruling regarding a plea filed by Deputy Speaker Raghu Rama Krishna Raju (RRR) to expedite the investigation of the CBI and ED cases. Raghurama’s plea called for the cases, which have been languishing in court for over a decade, to be accelerated. He also requested that the case be moved outside of Telangana due to the extreme delay.
The Supreme Court, in its ruling, reprimanded Raghurama, stating that there was no immediate need to cancel Jagan’s bail. The Court emphasized that the ongoing legal proceedings were sufficient and that there was no need to introduce new discourses or make sudden moves. The apex court also dismissed the request to transfer the case to another state, commenting, “Do you expect us to monitor every such case? It is not right to bring such pleas in front of the Supreme Court.”
This ruling comes as a major relief to Jagan, as it ensures that the legal process will continue as it stands without any immediate threat to his bail or the case being transferred. Had the Court decided otherwise, Jagan would have faced severe legal complications. The ruling marks a moment of respite for the former CM, despite the ongoing investigations and prolonged legal battles that have persisted for over 12 years.
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