Angry Indians Trend #ModiInsultsIndia Worldwide


Even before his controversial statements about ‘India begging the world’ in his tour to France, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s words about India and Indians in a foreign country have once again caused huge uproar on social media circles. During his three nation tour, PM Modi stated, “Earlier you felt ashamed of being born Indian.”

Modi further added saying, “Now you feel proud to represent the country. Indians abroad had all hoped for a change in the government last year.” This naturally did not go down well with thousands of startled Indians who took to Twitter to vent out their angst at the Prime Minister and even trended #ModiInsultsIndia worldwide.

While several people from all walks of life have shown their dissent on Modi’s poor choice of words, it is advantage to Congress, whose spokespersons quickly lambasted the Indian PM. Sanjay Jha, a chief leader of Congress said, “#ModiInsultsIndia is a worldwide top trend because it has offended the sensibilities of every Indian. A national disgrace beyond description.

Here are some of the reactions by the furious Indians:

I’m 18 years 7 months 34 days old & still can say of what I have seen in my life I’m proud to be an#Indian. #ModiInsultsIndia

#ModiInsultsIndia We elect a PM who travels the world at our expense to tell the world how ashamed we are about our parents & ancestors. 🙁 How Can You Be Ashamed Of India..The 2nd Largest Growing Economy In The World @narendramodi & It Was Before You Became PM! #ModiInsultsIndia

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