Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna’s fans other TV viewers may stay glued to Gemini TV channel on the evening of Saturday, 16th of August. This is because Balakrishna’s latest blockbuster ‘legend’ will be telecasted in the channel for the first time. It is a known news that Gemini TV got the satellite rights of ‘legend’ for Rs.5.5 crores. Directed by Boyapati Srinu, ‘legend’ collected Rs.38.46 crores share at the end of its full run world wide. Radhika Apte and Sonal Chowhan sported female leads of the movie.
Balakrishna is currently working for a movie in the direction of a debutante, Satya Deva. Trisha is pairing up with Balakrishna in the movie. The movie is being produced by Rudrapati Ramanarao. Music of the movie is being scored by Manisharma.
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