Superstar Rajinikanth starrer ‘Lingaa’ was released on December 12, 2014 and the film opened up with negative reviews. Tamil media were busy promoting the fake collections for this film and finally, distributors of Thanjavur and Tiruchi have opened up about the losses in front of the media.
They said that the Eros International sold distribution prices for heavy rates and the distributors demanded that their losses should be compensated. Well, Rajinikanth is a Superstar and his craze is unmatchable.
But that doesn’t mean that the people will be ready to watch an outdated and terrible film made by KS Ravikumar. Rajinikanth has returned money to distributors at the time of Baba and Kuselan, we need to wait and see if the ‘Thalaivar’ will do the same this time or not.
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