Telugu Bigg Boss 4, the TV reality show is garnering a lot of attention across the nation. The show was in the news for various reasons even before it was aired. As you all know, weekend is here, eviction shoot will take place today. Avinash, Monal, Akhil and Ariyana are nominated for this week. Among these, all Monal Gajjar is leading ahead with 58.7 voting percentage.
Yes, everyone eagerly waits to see who has managed to survive longer in the controversial house, and who is shown the outside door. The excitement for evictions for Bigg Boss Telugu 4 is much more as it has already been 85 days, and we still see seven contestants locked in the house. But, if you’re waiting to know, who is going home this week, you’re going to be a little disappointed. According to the reliable sources, no evictions are going to happen this week. Yes, you read that right! No eliminations will happen today, and no contestant will leave the house.
It is worth mentioning that Kicha Sudeep who rose to fame with ‘Eega’ is all set to appear in Bigg Boss Telugu as a special guest. Keep watching this space for more updates of Bigg Boss Telugu.
Hosting BigBoss has always been me and today was another feeln of being a guest on the show of Telugu BigBoss.
Splendid it was to share the stage wth the ever charming @iamnagarjuna sir, n to get to spk to the contestants inside the house. Thank you for the warmth sir.
??— Kichcha Sudeepa (@KicchaSudeep) November 28, 2020
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