Kiran Rao has her roots in Telangana?



Aamir Khan and his wife Kiran Roa have been in the eye of storm over the intolerance discussion they had at home, that was made public by Aamir. Amid all the controversy stirring around them, attacks, counter attacks and the explanations, Mehboob Nagar district natives expressed a doubt that Kiran Rao could be a descendant of the Wanaparthy Samsthan.

Wanaparthy Samsthan was last ruled by Raja Rameshwara Rao, who after the samsthan was united in the government became a MP. Raja Rameshwar Rao trust Staff have it that Kiran Rao is the Grand Daughter of CMS Rao, Brother of Raja Rameshwar Rao’s wife Santha Rameshwar Rao. Raja Rameshwar Rao after uniting the samsthan with the gov shifted to Hyderabad.

The royal lineage still continues to conduct its Annual Dussera celebrations at the samsthan and stay there for the Devi Navrathri Uthsav. Now being looked after by Raja Ramewshwar Rao’s grand son Raja Krishna Deva Rao, the people in the samsthan say they have never known of Kiran Rao or her Grand Dad and family ever Visiting the samsthan ever. Even the kings themselves visit only during Dussera or any crisis they said.

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March 6, 2025


మీకు దండం పెడతా..పిల్లల భవిష్యత్తుతో ఆడుకోకండి | PDF MLC Illa Venkateswara Rao Request