TS violating NGT order on Kaleshwaram: BJP to Centre

HYDERABAD: BJP National Executive member P Sekhar Rao has lodged a complaint with Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change Bhupendra Yadav, accusing the State government of violating National Green Tribunal’s 2018 order and carrying out expansion works for Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme in Gangadhara and Boyinpally mandals of Karimnagar district.

In a letter to the Union Minister, Sekhar Rao said that this was being done without obtaining necessary permissions from the Ministries and Departments concerned. He wrote that some land oustees from those mandals had approached him and reported the violations. Sekhar Rao said that parallel canals were being dug by the Telangana government without obtaining approvals from the Ministries concerned or the Central Water Commission.

He alerted the Ministries concerned that Power Finance Corporation, rural electrification Corporation, NABARD and public sector banks were granting huge loans to the tune of Rs 86,000 crore for the Kaleshwaram lift Irrigation Scheme and its change of scope which was not granted approvals by the Centre.

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